
5 Things I’m Loving, Reading, Pondering & Using.



I love experimenting with and testing new things. Everything from new gadgets and training equipment to supplements, diets and cutting edge workout techniques.

Over the years I’ve spent a small fortune in a quest to find the ‘best of the best’ products and information that’ll improve my health, happiness and general life enjoyment.

I love sharing this stuff and people seem to like it so below are some of the popular products, thoughts, articles, and links that I’ve shared in my “5-Point Friday” e-mail newsletter. I cheated in this post and gave you six… plus a little bonus at the end (guaranteed to make you laugh).

Product I’m lovingVyper Roller from Hyperice. I’ve tried a lot of foam rollers in my day but this is my new favourite. It has 3 vibration settings and is great for opening the hamstrings, IT band and other tight muscles. I often travel with it or it’s companion the Hypersphere so I can loosen up after long flights.

What I’m watchingKid failing repeatedly but never gives up. This video encapsulates the essence of sport and teamwork in only a few minutes. Watch it then watch it again. You’ll be cheering in your seat at the end.

Quote I’m pondering again – “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.” – Epictetus

What I’m readingHow to Meditate is a great introduction to meditation, it’s concepts and benefits. Meditation has been part of my daily routine for many years and I believe it’s one of the easiest things you can do to improve your happiness and health. This guide by David Gelles is a great place to start if you’re curious about how meditation, backed by science, can help you increase calmness and clarity while reducing stress.

Training I’m doingFeldenkrais with Melinda Glenister. Feldenkrais is one of the most effective ways I’ve found to unlock tight muscles and reprogram lost movement patterns after an injury. It is very gentle on the body yet really tricky on the mind. I often do a session before tennis. By doing unusual movements, brain mapping connections are created that train the body to move in new ways while preventing burn out.

Supplement I’m takingPrecision Hydration 1500. I’ve been taking this product from to help my body absorb and retain more fluid when training. I’ve noticed a big performance improvement. I’ll also take the 250 “background hydrator” while traveling to help overcome jet lag.

Do you like these types of recommendations?

Would you like to get a short email from me every other Friday with the coolest things I’ve found, explored or created from the past few weeks? It may include gadgets, music, articles, books, tennis tips, fitness exercises and all sorts of strange stuff I discover from around the world.

These “5-Point Friday” emails are only available if you subscribe to my newsletter. They won’t be shared anywhere else. This blog post is just a teaser to entice you to sign up 😉

Why not try it out? You can always unsubscribe. Just enter your email address here and you’re good to go.

P.S. If you haven’t seen this video of a man speaking to turkey’s you’re in for a treat! Watch the whole things. Trust me, It only gets funnier.