The Biomechanics Of Tennis

I have had great success during my professional tennis career and I am very proud of my achievements. But how much more could I have accomplished if I was injury free? That is a question I have often asked myself. It’s a pointless question which we’ll never know the answer to. But this question and my many struggles with injuries sent me down a path that led me to Brad Langevad and the keys to improving my tennis while injury proofing my body.

the biomechanics of tennis


While researching ways to overcome and prevent injuries I came across Brad and his work. Over the next few years Brad and I worked together and he helped redesign my technique from top to bottom. It was hard work but the result was fewer injuries and an increase in power and accuracy on my shots. Without his help there is no way I would be able to compete on the ATP Champions Tour today.


About Brad Langevad.

Brad Langevad is a man of science. He has degrees in genetics, biochemistry, physiology and has one of the highest ever registered IQ’s in Australia. But most importantly, he is a tennis coach/player who wants to help.

Over the course of many years Brad has scientifically analysed, studied and interviewed hundreds of professional and amateur tennis players. He has received little credit but his work and findings have defined much of modern coaching.

He’s now compiled this coaching philosophy into a book called “The Biomechanics Of Tennis” that’s now available to the general public.


The Biomechanics Of Tennis.

This little known book is hands down the best book on tennis technique and biomechanics out there and I highly recommend you pick it up if you want to take your tennis to the next level. Here is a taste of what’s in the book:

  • How to prevent injuries
  • How to hit the ball like a professional
  • How to get more power and accuracy
  • Insights and analysis on why some players keep getting injured
  • And much more

If you want to learn all this and more I recommend pick up this book. It’s the best book out there on tennis technique. You can order it at Brad’s website here.



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